list of free plagiarism checkers
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Dupli Checker
On this plagiarism checker users can either upload a .docx file, or simply paste the text. There is a limit of 50 searches per day.
Plagiarisma supports over 190 languages, users can check content by uploading files.
Grammarly is available as an online app or Chrome extension, and annotates errors. Users need to create an account, but most features are free.
Search Engine Report Plagiarism Checker
Users can paste, upload documents from their computer or connect to dropbox. After the check the content will be highlighted green and red — red for already published content.
This plagiarism checker does not require any account information. A limited number of checks and pages are free.
Edubirdie, the plagiarism checker is free. Users get a highlighted copy of their content, with links to similar published content.
This is free up to 5,000 characters. Users simply paste the text they want to analyze, and get a report.