Upcoming Workshops
Important workshops for Media and Communication scholars and Researchers
British Academy Writing Workshop Series 2021
The workshops will be led by Professor Usha Raman (University of Hyderabad), Associate Professor Vibodh Parthasarathi (Jamia Millia Islamia), Professor Emily Keightley (Loughborough University), Professor Aswin Punathambekar (University of Virginia), and Professor John Downey (Loughborough University). The workshops will also be supported a research development manager at Loughborough University, who will share grant writing skills.
There will be three workshops held in week commencing September 20th 2021, week commencing December 6th 2021, and week commencing March 7th 2022 (precise dates to be confirmed).
Please return completed application forms and the relevant attachments to BAwritingworkshop@mailbox.lboro.ac.uk
Closing date for applications is Monday 2nd August 4pm IST.